
For usage examples check out this link.

Module: project

This module contains the methods that the user will use directly to interact with MapRoulette projects

class maproulette.api.project.Project(config)

Bases: maproulette.api.maproulette_server.MapRouletteServer

Class to handle the project-related API requests

add_challenge_to_project(project_id, challenge_id)

Method to add a challenge to a virtual project.

  • project_id – the id of the virtual project

  • challenge_id – the id of the challenge being added


the API response from the POST request


Method to create a new project


data – the data to use to create the new project


the API response to the POST request

delete_project(project_id, immediate='false')

Method to delete a project.

  • project_id – the id of the project being deleted

  • immediate – whether or not the project should be deleted immediately


the API response form the DELETE request

find_project(matcher='', limit=10, page=0, only_enabled='true')

Method to search for projects based on a specific search criteria

  • matcher – the search string used to match the project names. Default is empty string

  • limit – the limit to the number of results returned in the response. Default is 10

  • page – used in conjunction with the limit parameter to page through X number of responses. Default is 0.

  • only_enabled – flag to set if only wanting enabled projects returned. Default is True.


the API response from the GET request


Method to fetch a project by unique MapRoulette project ID


project_id – the unique project ID


the API response from the GET request


Method to fetch a project by unique MapRoulette project name


project_name – the unique project name


the API response from the GET request

get_project_challenges(project_id, limit=10, page=0)

Method to fetch a list of a project’s challenges.

  • project_id – the id of the parent project

  • limit – the limit to the number of results returned in the response. Default is 10

  • page – used in conjunction with the limit parameter to page through X number of responses. Default is 0.


the API response from the GET request


Method to retrieve projects from comma separated list of ids


project_ids – comma separated list of project ids to be retrieved


the API response from the GET request

get_random_tasks(project_id, limit=1, proximity=-1, search='')

Method to retrieve random tasks from a project.

  • project_id – the id of the parent project of tasks

  • limit – limit amount of results returned

  • proximity – task to find based on proximity of that task

  • search – a search parameter object stored in a cookie


the API response form the GET request

static is_project_model(input_object)

Method to determine whether user input is a valid project model


input_object – the user’s input to check


True if instance of model

remove_challenge_from_project(project_id, challenge_id)

Method to remove a challenge from a virtual project.

  • project_id – the id of the virtual project

  • challenge_id – the id of the challenge being removed


the API response from the POST request

update_project(project_id, data)

Method to update an existing project

  • project_id – the id of the project being updated

  • data – the data to use to update the project


the API response from the PUT request

Module: challenge

This module contains the methods that the user will use directly to interact with MapRoulette challenges

class maproulette.api.challenge.Challenge(config)

Bases: maproulette.api.maproulette_server.MapRouletteServer

Class to handle the challenge-related API requests

add_file_tasks_to_challenge(data, challenge_id, line_by_line='true', remove_unmatched='false', data_origin_date='', skip_snapshot='false')

Method to add tasks to an existing challenge with tasks as GeoJSON

  • data – a GeoJSON containing geometry of tasks to be added to a challenge

  • challenge_id – the ID corresponding to the challenge that tasks will be added to

  • line_by_line – whether or not the provided data is in line-by-line GeoJSON format

  • remove_unmatched – whether or not the JSON provided includes seperate GeoJSON on each line

  • data_origin_date – the date the data was sourced on

  • skip_snapshot – whether or not to skip recording a snapshot before proceeding


the API response from the PUT request

add_tasks_to_challenge(data, challenge_id)

Method to add tasks to an existing challenge

  • data – a GeoJSON containing geometry of tasks to be added to a challenge

  • challenge_id – the ID corresponding to the challenge that tasks will be added to


the API response from the PUT request


Method to create a new challenge


data – a JSON input containing challenge details


the API response to the POST request


Method to create a new virtual challenge


data – a JSON input containing virtual challenge details


the API response to the POST request

delete_challenge(challenge_id, immediate='false')

Method to delete a challenge by using the corresponding challenge ID

  • challenge_id – the ID corresponding to the challenge

  • immediate – whether or not the challenge should be deleted immediately


the API response from the DELETE request

delete_challenge_tasks(challenge_id, status_filters='')

Method to delete all existing tasks within a challenge, optionally filtering on current task status

  • challenge_id – the ID corresponding to the challenge

  • status_filters – a comma separate list of status ID’s: 0 = Created, 1 = Fixed, 2 = False Positive, 3 = Skipped, 4 = Deleted, 5 = Already Fixed, 6 = Too Hard


the API response from the DELETE request

extract_challenge_comments(challenge_id, limit=10, page=0)

Method to retrieve all comments for the tasks in a given challenge and respond with a CSV

  • challenge_id – the ID corresponding to the challenge

  • limit – the limit to the number of results returned in the response. Default is 10

  • page – used in conjunction with the limit parameter to page through X number of responses. Default is 0.


the API response from the GET request

extract_task_summaries(challenge_id, limit=10, page=0, status='', review_status='', priority='', export_properties='', task_property_search='')

Method to retrieve summaries of all the tasks in a given challenge and respond with a CSV

  • challenge_id – the ID corresponding to the challenge

  • limit – the limit to the number of results returned in the response. Default is 10

  • page – used in conjunction with the limit parameter to page through X number of responses. Default is 0.

  • status – a comma-separated filter for the tasks returned using tasks status values: 0 = Created, 1 = Fixed, 2 = False Positive, 3 = Skipped, 4 = Deleted, 5 = Already Fixed, 6 = Too Hard

  • review_status – a comma-separated filter for the tasks returned using review status values: 0 - Requested, 1 - Approved, 2 - Rejected, 3 - Assisted, 4 - Disputed

  • priority – a comma-separated filter for the tasks returned by priority value: 0 - High, 1 - Medium, 2 - Low

  • export_properties – a comma-separated filter for the properties that should be exported

  • task_property_search – a filter for the tasks returned using task properties


the API response from the GET request


Method to retrieve challenge information via the corresponding challenge ID


challenge_id – the ID corresponding to the challenge


the API response from the GET request

get_challenge_by_name(project_id, challenge_name)

Method to retrieve challenge information via the corresponding challenge name and parent (project) ID

  • project_id – the ID of the parent project

  • challenge_name – the name corresponding to the challenge


the API response from the GET request

get_challenge_children(challenge_id, limit=10, page=0)

Method to retrieve all children from a given challenge in an expanded list. Unlike the get_challenge_tasks() method, this function will wrap the JSON array list inside of the parent challenge object allowing you to see the full hierarchy.

  • challenge_id – the ID corresponding to the challenge

  • limit – the limit to the number of results returned in the response. Default is 10

  • page – used in conjunction with the limit parameter to page through X number of responses. Default is 0.


the API response from the GET request

get_challenge_comments(challenge_id, limit=10, page=0)

Method to retrieve all comments for the tasks in a given challenge

  • challenge_id – the ID corresponding to the challenge

  • limit – the limit to the number of results returned in the response. Default is 10

  • page – used in conjunction with the limit parameter to page through X number of responses. Default is 0.


the API response from the GET request

get_challenge_geojson(challenge_id, status='', review_status='', priority='', task_property_search='')

Method to retrieve the GeoJSON for a challenge that represents all the task children of the challenge

  • challenge_id – the ID corresponding to the challenge

  • status – a comma-separated filter for the tasks returned using tasks status values: 0 = Created, 1 = Fixed, 2 = False Positive, 3 = Skipped, 4 = Deleted, 5 = Already Fixed, 6 = Too Hard

  • review_status – a comma-separated filter for the tasks returned using review status values: 0 - Requested, 1 - Approved, 2 - Rejected, 3 - Assisted, 4 - Disputed

  • priority – a comma-separated filter for the tasks returned by priority value: 0 - High, 1 - Medium, 2 - Low

  • task_property_search – a filter for the tasks returned using task properties


the API response from the GET request

get_challenge_listing(project_ids='', limit=10, page=0, only_enabled='true')

Method to retrieve a lightweight list of challenges that belong to the specified project(s)

  • project_ids – a comma-separated list of project IDs for which child challenges are desired. Default is an empty string (i.e. all projects)

  • limit – the limit to the number of results returned in the response. Default is 10

  • page – used in conjunction with the limit parameter to page through X number of responses. Default is 0.

  • only_enabled – whether or not results should be limited to only enabled challenges. Default is true.


the API response from the GET request


Method to retrieve statistics for a challenge using its corresponding ID


challenge_id – the ID corresponding to the challenge


the API response to the GET request

get_challenge_tasks(challenge_id, limit=10, page=0)

Method to retrieve all tasks from a given challenge by ID

  • challenge_id – the ID corresponding to the challenge

  • limit – the limit to the number of results returned in the response. Default is 10

  • page – used in conjunction with the limit parameter to page through X number of responses. Default is 0.


the API response from the GET request

get_challenges_by_tags(challenge_tags, limit=10, page=0)

Method to retrieve challenge information via tags applied to the challenge

  • challenge_tags – a comma-separated list of tags to search challenges for

  • limit – the limit to the number of results returned in the response. Default is 10

  • page – used in conjunction with the limit parameter to page through X number of responses. Default is 0.


the API response from the GET request


Method to retrieve an existing virtual challenge


challenge_id – the ID corresponding to the virtual challenge


the API response from the GET request

static is_challenge_model(input_object)

Method to determine whether user input is a valid challenge model


input_object – the user’s input to check


True if instance of model

rebuild_challenge(challenge_id, remove_unmatched=False, skip_snapshot=False)

Rebuild the challenge by re-creating the tasks from the task data source

  • challenge_id – the ID corresponding to the challenge

  • remove_unmatched – Used to remove incomplete tasks that have been addressed externally since the last rebuild, assuming the source data represents all tasks outstanding. If set to true, all existing tasks in CREATED or SKIPPED status (only) will be removed prior to rebuilding with the assumption that they will be recreated if they still appear in the updated source data. If set to false, unmatched existing tasks are simply left as-is. Default: False

  • skip_snapshot – Whether to skip recording a snapshot before proceeding. Default: False


Method to reset all the task instructions so that they revert to the challenge instructions


challenge_id – the ID corresponding to the challenge


the API response from the PUT request

update_challenge(challenge_id, data)

Method to update a challenge by using the corresponding challenge ID

  • challenge_id – the ID corresponding to the challenge

  • data – a JSON input containing challenge details


the API response from the PUT request


Method to update all the task priorities for a given challenge based on the priority rules in the challenge


challenge_id – the ID corresponding to the challenge


the API response from the PUT request

Module: task

This module contains the methods that the user will use directly to interact with MapRoulette tasks

class maproulette.api.task.Task(config)

Bases: maproulette.api.maproulette_server.MapRouletteServer

Class to handle the task-related API requests

static batch_generator(input_list, chunk_size)

Method to yield successive n-sized chunks from input_list

  • input_list – the list to break into chunks

  • chunk_size (int) – the number of list items to include per chunk


an iterator for the n-sized chunks of the input_list


Method to create a single task using an input JSON of task details.


data – a JSON input containing task details


the API response from the POST request

create_tasks(data, batch_size=5000)

Method to create a batch of tasks using the specified batch_size.

  • data – a JSON input containing task details

  • batch_size (int) – the number of tasks to post per API call. The default is 5000.


the API response from the POST request

delete_task_tags(task_id, tags)

Method to delete the supplied tags from a task using the corresponding task ID

  • task_id – the ID corresponding with the task

  • tags – a comma-separated list of tags to be deleted


the API response from the DELETE request


“Method to retrieve task information using the corresponding task ID


task_id – the ID corresponding with the task


the API response from the GET request


Method to retrieve the comments for a task using the corresponding task ID


task_id – the ID corresponding with the task


the API response from the GET request


Method to retrieve task history using the corresponding task ID


task_id – the ID corresponding with the task


the API response from the GET request


Method to retrieve the tags for a task using the corresponding task ID


task_id – the ID corresponding with the task


the API response from the GET request

get_tasks_by_bounding_box(left, bottom, right, top, limit=10000, page=0, exclude_locked='false', order='ASC', include_total='false', include_geometries='false', include_tags='false')

Method to retrieve tasks by a bounding box defined by left, bottom, right, and top lat/long values

  • left – the minimum latitude of the bounding box

  • bottom – the minimum longitude of the bounding box

  • right – the maximum latitude of the bounding box

  • top – the maximum longitude of the bounding box

  • limit – the limit to the number of results returned in the response. Default is 10,000.

  • page – used in conjunction with the limit parameter to page through X number of responses. Default is 0.

  • exclude_locked – boolean indicating whether to exclude locked tasks. Default is ‘false’.

  • order – the order of the results. Default is ‘ASC’

  • include_total – whether to include total or not. Default is ‘false’

  • include_geometries – whether to include geometries or not. Default is ‘false’

  • include_tags – whether to include tags or not. Default is ‘false’


the API response from the PUT request

get_tasks_by_tags(tags, limit=10, page=0)

Method to retrieve tasks that have the specified tags

  • tags – a comma-separated list of tags to be searched for

  • limit – the limit to the number of results returned in the response. Default is 10

  • page – used in conjunction with the limit parameter to page through X number of responses. Default is 0.


the API response from the GET request

static is_task_model(input_object)

Method to determine whether user input is a valid task model


input_object – the user’s input to check


True if instance of model

update_task_status(task_id, status, comment=None, tags=None, request_review=None, completion_responses=None)

Method to update a task’s status to one of the following: 0 - Created, 1 - Fixed, 2 - False Positive, 3 - Skipped, 4 - Deleted, 5 - Already Fixed, 6 - Too Hard.

  • task_id – the ID corresponding with the task

  • status – the status to update the task to

  • comment – optional comment that is provided by the user when setting the status

  • tags – optional tags to associate with this task

  • request_review – optional boolean indicating if a review is requested on this task

  • completion_responses – optional key/value JSON to be stored within this task


the API response from the PUT request

update_task_tags(task_id, tags)

Method to update a task’s tags using the supplied tags and corresponding task ID

  • task_id – the ID corresponding with the task

  • tags – a comma-separated list of tags to be updated. If empty all tags will be removed.


the API response from the GET request


Method to update a batch of tasks


data – a JSON input containing task details


the API response from the PUT request

Module: user

This module contains the methods that the user will use directly to interact with MapRoulette users

class maproulette.api.user.User(config)

Bases: maproulette.api.maproulette_server.MapRouletteServer

Class to handle the user-related API requests

add_user_list_to_project(user_ids, project_id, group_type, is_osm_user_id='true')

Method to add a user to a project group

  • user_ids – a list of user IDs to add to the specified project group. IDs should be integers.

  • project_id – the ID of the project

  • group_type – the group type to add the user to (1 - Admin, 2 - Write, 3 - Read)

  • is_osm_user_id – whether or not the specified user ID is an OSM user ID. Default is ‘false’.


the API response from the PUT request

add_user_to_project(user_id, project_id, group_type, is_osm_user_id='true')

Method to add a user to a project group

  • user_id – the user ID to add to the specified project group

  • project_id – the ID of the project

  • group_type – the group type to add the user to (1 - Admin, 2 - Write, 3 - Read)

  • is_osm_user_id – whether or not the specified user ID is an OSM user ID. Default is ‘false’.


the API response from the POST request

find_user_by_username(username, limit=10, page=0)

Method to search for a user based on a specific username

  • username – the username to search for.

  • limit – the limit to the number of results returned in the response. Default is 10

  • page – used in conjunction with the limit parameter to page through X number of responses. Default is 0.


the API response from the GET request

Module: configuration

This module contains the basic configuration object that is used to communicate with the MapRoulette API.

class maproulette.api.configuration.Configuration(hostname='', protocol='https', api_version='/api/v2', api_key=None, certs=None, verify=True)

Configuration object that specifies how to connect to the MapRoulette server.

  • hostname (str, optional) – Optional parameter to specify the hostname of the MapRoulette instance being addressed. Do not include the protocol (https, http). Default value is ‘’.

  • protocol (str, optional) – Optional parameter to specify the protocol to use for the connection to the MapRoulette instance being addressed such as https or http. Default value is ‘https’.

  • api_version (str, optional) – Optional parameter to specify the API version to use. The default is ‘/api/v2’.

  • api_key (str, optional) – Optional parameter to pass the user-specific API key. This key is necessary for some actions.

  • certs (str or tuple, optional) – Optional parameter to pass the client-side certificate and key if necessary to make connection with the MapRoulette instance being addressed. Can be either a tuple containing the cert and key file paths (in that order) or a string representing the filepath to both the cert and key stored in a single file.

  • verify (bool, optional) – Optional parameter to specify whether to verify SSL certificates for HTTPS requests. Default is True.

__init__(hostname='', protocol='https', api_version='/api/v2', api_key=None, certs=None, verify=True)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)